These include not engaging with sexual activities with anyone not their spouse, as well as the practice of honesty as opposed to deceit, and avoiding the use of alcohol. These include "a devotional spirit," a love for God, the ministry, and people faith humility convictions as based in Jude 3 dedication or a "total commitment to God's will " a "ministerial spirit" which is "an aptitude to give service to be solicitous over the well-being and growth of people spiritually, morally, socially, etc." and faithfulness.įurther, the lawsuit also outlines the moral standards that all ordained Assemblies of God ministers are expected to maintain.

The Assemblies of God specifically outlines these standards that ordained ministers have. Such ordination happens when the person meets the standards outlined by Scripture, particularly in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The lawsuit states that the Assemblies of God places great importance in the local church as being led by someone who was ordained for the position.

All of these actions, per the lawsuit, are to the "detriment of the parishioners" who are members of the Pentecostal denomination. Moreover, the board members are also accused of failing to follow the bylaws governing the Assemblies of God church. The lawsuit claims that with the board members' actions, they have committed "breaches of their fiduciary duties" to their congregation in "covering up the misconduct of their pastor" and "failing to protect the congregation."įurther, the lawsuit also accuses the defendants of trying to break away from the denomination in order to let Stocker keep leading the church and remain in the pulpit. These board members, after an investigation conducted by PenFlorida found Stocker committed "significant incidents of gross sexual misconduct and immoral actions," are accused of failing to protect the congregation from the erring pastor's behaviors.